Todd A. Rieger
(UIC - Umpire In Chief)
Todd has been involved with Barrier Islands Little League since 2016. He started out as a T-Ball Manager and brags too this day on how he never lost a game. To this day the kids still call him Coach Todd. Over the years he has held several positions on the board and has umpired every year since 2017.
Like most Little League umpires, he took the role because no one else wanted it. He was lucky enough to get help and training from (SLL) Summerville Little League. Plus, Todd was very fortunate to have District 2 umpires David Lotterer & Carl Salaway mentor him. BI has sent Todd to clinics and schools at Warner Robins, GA where they hold the Southeast Regionals in baseball and softball, which is the road that to leads Williamsport, PA. The home of the Little League World Series. Todd had the opportunity to umpire in the 2023 Regional Baseball Tournament & 2024 Regional Softball Tournament. He is now taking umpires he has trained along with our Junior Umpires to Warner Robins.
Todd is very proud of our Junior Umpire Program and loves working with kids from age 12 to 18 and has seen their confidence build over the years. Don't be surprised if he tries to recruit you, especially if you like to question balls and strikes of his umpires. If you would like to umpire and be involved on the field, please contact Todd before he finds you. Todd's motto:
"Keep the kids playing as long as possible and have fun doing it."